Taking up a challenge highlighted by a good friend over the weekend. I could see a bit of hurt that he had as he explained some of the feedback he has received from his latest project. The dissappointment when you realise that not everyone will have the same vision as you. The lack of appreciation on something that you have put your your heart and soul in. This total disrespect from those who have not the "balls" to come up with anything that could remotely expose their interests. Then Again it is true that everybody is entitled to their opinion.
I have always recognised the passion that he has for alot of different aspects of his life, from personal to (Not so much) proffessional to his hobbies. And then came the question "What would it take to get you motivated?" This is in reference to why I seldom blog. Of which I always respond with "Oh! I have writers block, am just not inspired."
Then it all downed on me ....... Is it that I have writers block? ( Because I really don't think that I am a writer) Or is it that am just lazy (Been meaning to start my book for years now........ well not much has happened in that arena). Then again could it be that I am afraid of all the negative feed back that might come my way.
I wonder where my passion went to? And then again what am I passionate about? Ist it too late for me? I mean at my age I should atleast have an Idea of what it is exactly that drives me. And as I contunually strive to find all the answers to my a million and one questions, I can only but admire those in my life with such uncannung passion about different aspects of their lives. I want that. I want people to remember my passion and contribution to the world more than anything else. I mean dont we all want to be remembered that way?
So yes, I now get what the challenge was, close my eyes and just get in there. Not everybody might "like" or appreciate your efforts, but you did it anyway. So I sure do hope that this post will be a challange to someone out there and a thank you to others who may have contributed to it.
p.s Don't ever think that your work could ever be foolish or amateur (wink)