A great many people assume that they are thinking while they are merely rearranging their prejudices - William James
An idea just popped in my head, so I'll make this short.
You know you'd think that with everything going wrong these days volunteer-ism would go down. On the contrary it has gone up, way up. But, of course it has, thats the beauty of an incompetent government. Its their plan to act like idiots till people figure it out that they have to fend for themselves.
Given that prostitution is a multi billion dollar industry all over the world anyway, why not tax it? Why not use it to help build hospitals and schools that politicians promise but never get around to do anyway because they are too too busy hanging out with the hookers.
Sex workers are begging to be recognized and treated as equals to all those who declare themselves working class in Kenya.
We have a deficiency too big to count, why not use that money to help our people?
There is a method to all this lunacy. If you look behind all that is going on there is always a message, an idea and that is something.