It is finally here, that season where Kenya goes through catastrophe after catastrophe. Then again isnt this the norm all year round? No, Am talking of that time just before the election and right in the middle of a scandle, when all sort of calamities rock our nation (Nothing to do with mother nature by the way).
Well, with some "Political Big wigs" marred with all sorts of legal "problems". From "allegations" of corruption here at "home" , to their international cases of CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY at the Hague.
Half the parliament embroiled in some legal case at the courts challenging their parliamentary seat.
The Shilling has definitely seen better days, with the raise in fuel prices the cost of living is so high am "surprised" the whole country isn't living on less than a dollar a day. Despite the ridiculously prices placed on basic commodities, those same commodities are as scarce as the hope of World peace.
Let our leaders not forget how "We got their backs". In the middle of all this problems we manage to set half a slum on fire; "We" are poor and that liter of siphoned "free" petrol will go along way. We drink our selves to the grave in the name of "cheap" alcohol. We drive our cars recklessly because time waits for no man and we "gotta chase that paper". We are too quick to forget the promises of our so called leaders because no one holds them accountable.
And in the wake of all this nonsense we rush to our "cronies" on social media and of course through our very "vigilant" media asking Kenyans to please contribute to help out our brothers and sisters. It was "KENYANS FOR KENYA" Lets feed our fellow country men and women. Of course because their MP needs the funds slated for a new borehole to pay off his huge bank loans.
Then comes "A SHILLING FOR SINAI" Lets help out our other brothers and sisters rebuild their lives after that horrible fire halted their lives. That silly pipeline just had to run right under their houses? Hoards of unemployed youth are lining the streets with tins at hand, begging on behalf of the victims.
"Tunaomba serikali itusaidie". Serikali gani? Sorry Serikali is busy redirecting desperately needed fund to offset their unpaid taxes and cover all their legal fees.Lest you forget that their campaign kitty's cannot possibly be empty. No! Serikali needs a "break" to focus on themselves for now.
We cannot even dare pray to the Lord for help, Nope! Because HE has more important things to tend to; Let the Lord find us a "Husband" or "Wife". Then again He doesn't seem to understand "Kenyanise" so lets "hire" someone else to do that for us.
International Community .... blah blah blah! What do I know about those? Lets just get a soft loan to help our ailing shilling, We'll face the repercussions in the next budget; Let the "Smokers" and "Alcoholics" pay for it right?
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