Monday, January 25, 2010


Its been a while since i was last here.....well what can I say? sometimes i just have too much to say that I really haven't yet figured out how to express it. (belive me it does happen)
Today watched the documentary on Farrah Fawcett and her fight with brought me to tears.
(Here is the thing, am such a woose for these lifechanging movies and tv documentaries that its just pathetic).
Back to the point.
As she struggled with her disease she kept this journal and through out the documenatry she reads it out, its just so amazing and inspirational and just made me more convinced that i should push my dream even further.
I mean lets face it as cliche as this might sound, life is really short. as much as she was this hollywood hothrob and at the end of the day what inspired people the most was not her ''work'' but her awareness about the disease and her fight.
I want people to remember me for the work that I do and hopefully the change that will come with it( no am not dying, hopefully not for now)
funny joke i heard...."wanna hear God laugh? Tell him of your plan"
But this doesnt discourage me and let me clarify that with a bit of comforting words from an individual I look up to

"if you do good people will acuse you of selfish motives"

do good anyway

"if you secceede you will win false friends and sure enemies"

seccede anyway

"the good you do today will be forgetten anyway"

do good anyway



"people follow underdogs but favour the top dogs"

fight for the underdog anyway

"what you spend years building can be destroyed in seconds"

build anyway
till next time

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Am not really sure what to title this piece (and so i havent).
Today I received sad news about the passing of a great man. Dr. Alembi (KU)
I accredit him for being one of those who inspired me to start writting and opened a window for so many to express themselves through outlets that (we) would have never otherwise ventured into
" whatever you write has its own style and someone out there will be an avid follower" Thats what he once said to myself and a group of others who were exploring playwritting.
Those words have stuck in my head for the past 2years and have been my motivation throughout my (basically very young) witting adventure.
"look at it as an adventure"
Well Dr Alembi I took your words literaly and have kept them and all I can say is THANK YOU.
May the Lord rest your soul in eternal peace. You were an inspiration.

Monday, January 11, 2010


You know when 'they' say that you are going to reap what you sow, well guess what? its true( I know you all knew ,that rather obvious fact, but it just hit me now........big time).
I was talking to a friend on saturday night and we opened up a lil' bit( well its was actually alot, thanks in part to the doubles) discovering we have more in common than we had realised, and after telling her a bit of my story (from my point of view) she was amazed and said "wow! you have done so much at your age".
My point ??? well have I done too much and achieved nothing? I am always complaining that no one realises what i have achieved so far, but I think am going about it the wrong way. I now belive that I should not work towards the approval of others but towards self approval........I know that sounds like really obvious but think about it and maybe you may realise something.
My education seems as though it is at a stand still at the moment(which it actually is), maybe its because I really do not know what I want out of this Education(belive it or not this is very true).So am going to stick to my 2010 plan and take what i have and work with it.
I have for the first time realised how rediculous i have been waiting for my big break, Nothing great comes out of sitting on your arse and waiting for manner from heaven and blaming the choices made either voluntary or by force.
The system in which we exist may seem flawed but that is just because we only conclude this when 'things' arent going our way.
I belive that there is a perfect balance and that sometimes we just happen to be on the other side of the scale.
But how to get the strength to deal with all the consequences of my choices, or where to get a solution or the 'break' is still a puzzle that I hope to get more insight to as the days go by (hopefully without wasting time).
Stick to the positive

see you next update

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Common Mwananchi

I can start by the usual complains of the workings of our transport system but the that is already done and quite frankly thats old and boring.
Therefore i choose to look at the positive....yes there is a positive (belive it or not)
this update is on a constant interuption
ok now am back
It took me one and a half hours to get from the city centre to my home which on a normal day using public transport takes me half hour maybe twenty min, and if i drive ,.well thats ten. Despite the loss of time (which many may equate to loss of money) i actually enjoyed it. Observing the frustration on peoples faces, maybe from their work places, maybe from interactions with others or some are just grumpy( i have come to realise that that is a very common trend).
Many might complain about the unruliness of matatu drivers but as for the rest of us public transport users its godsend.
I tell you that those guys(mat drivers) are very innovative, i belive that they have discovered a mode of driving that is way supirior to the common mans driving and that this is what causes motorists frustration. Jelousy...there i said it......all you motorists outhere wish you could speed through traffic like that, but since you precious cars are more important than the eaxtra time that you would have however spent on important matters such as family or friends.lets not even start on the fuel consumption and all the other shenanigans that come along with that.(blog about it another day)
Can you immagine the horror that will be unleashed if they are forced to follow the rules....there shall be a total breakdown of the system...mark my words........
because anyway we have no roads....(lets just leave it at that)
Anyway lets get to the point....what have i learnt today from my seemingly endless jouney.....................................PATIENCE
A virtue that for so long has evaded me but I think that i had a little taste of it today. how does it taste like??? well i cant really like when you taste food and you cant really identify any of the spices( or something similar to that) or really what it is. So lets keep tasting it and i shall finally(one day) confidently tell you what it is( Patience that is and if it sits well with my stomach)
Oh well this positivity notion is not as hard as I thought it would be.
thats it for now....lets meet next update

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Finally since feb of 08'(post election) the certificate has finally arrived.
I feel like it has been some endless battle,like that bad dream that is sooo long and refuses to be interrupted.
funny how this ''Kenyan" way of doing things works...I had infact forgot that i (or rather we)had even applied to have the organization registered. Then from no where it fell...I'll assume that its manner from heaven. no one should tell me otherwise.
what does this mean to the rest of you all out there....well much especially if you are a youth.
Yes that difference that everyone is promising you out there( and none delivered) I want to tackle.
This is the voice we have all been waiting for, the revelution I have been talking of.
I am filled with nothing but excitement for this my new journey; wanna walk with me????
watch this space

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Well...isnt that what we all look for eevrytime things arent going as well as we expect...or really arent happening( mostly its just not happening). But today I did get it, atleast i hope i am not mistaking it for insight(very thin line if you think about it). I read something that was absolutely genius and thank God that there are so many of us out there who dare to share what so many of us (yet still) go through. That we are many and i feel like there shall be a revolution(i dare say) starting from our couches(and all that relates).
Thanks to my seamstress friend(15+yrs in the making).....todays blog is for you
It does feel good to have all the energy when you are starting off on new things or approaches (to old things) keep busy and mind preoccupied.
I use thing because of a lack of a better word and will use it alot in future(or maybe not) but untill otherwise lets just stick to that.
my deadline is almost up and i sure hope to get all I need tomorrow.....i need alot for my chapter which thanks to my lazy nature(which am working in btw) hasnt started
fingers crossed
till next time
have a good one

Monday, January 4, 2010

vecation update

Hey all
Been a long two weeks of coasto maddness
i tell you that town has a way to slow you down.....
I met all sorts of people making that experience truely unique...action packed if I may say so myself
Besides all the lifechanging experiences I also came up with a few resolutions for the new year;
1.start a healthier lifestyle and blog about my progress in the process, What do I mean by healthier lifestyle...well the junk that i call my basic meals...working out...and lets not even start on the booze
(lets  not put into consideration the munchies that i am suffering from today)
2. Kind of fell in love with that bloody hot town so am working on focusing my job searches there...I have faith that it will workout
3. Push some of my projects that i stalled on last year and hopefully 6months from now Half will have materialised and up'n''working (hopefully with some income flow)
Lastly I shall call this my selfish year(in a good way that is). The need to be confident in myself and focused with my career path, school and my relationships with those who matter the most to me(read God, family and friends)
I got a feeling that this is going to be a Good year, my year......scratch that I Know it will be (Putting god first)
2010 challanges I welcome you and am waiting...........
by for now