Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Am not really sure what to title this piece (and so i havent).
Today I received sad news about the passing of a great man. Dr. Alembi (KU)
I accredit him for being one of those who inspired me to start writting and opened a window for so many to express themselves through outlets that (we) would have never otherwise ventured into
" whatever you write has its own style and someone out there will be an avid follower" Thats what he once said to myself and a group of others who were exploring playwritting.
Those words have stuck in my head for the past 2years and have been my motivation throughout my (basically very young) witting adventure.
"look at it as an adventure"
Well Dr Alembi I took your words literaly and have kept them and all I can say is THANK YOU.
May the Lord rest your soul in eternal peace. You were an inspiration.

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