Monday, January 11, 2010


You know when 'they' say that you are going to reap what you sow, well guess what? its true( I know you all knew ,that rather obvious fact, but it just hit me now........big time).
I was talking to a friend on saturday night and we opened up a lil' bit( well its was actually alot, thanks in part to the doubles) discovering we have more in common than we had realised, and after telling her a bit of my story (from my point of view) she was amazed and said "wow! you have done so much at your age".
My point ??? well have I done too much and achieved nothing? I am always complaining that no one realises what i have achieved so far, but I think am going about it the wrong way. I now belive that I should not work towards the approval of others but towards self approval........I know that sounds like really obvious but think about it and maybe you may realise something.
My education seems as though it is at a stand still at the moment(which it actually is), maybe its because I really do not know what I want out of this Education(belive it or not this is very true).So am going to stick to my 2010 plan and take what i have and work with it.
I have for the first time realised how rediculous i have been waiting for my big break, Nothing great comes out of sitting on your arse and waiting for manner from heaven and blaming the choices made either voluntary or by force.
The system in which we exist may seem flawed but that is just because we only conclude this when 'things' arent going our way.
I belive that there is a perfect balance and that sometimes we just happen to be on the other side of the scale.
But how to get the strength to deal with all the consequences of my choices, or where to get a solution or the 'break' is still a puzzle that I hope to get more insight to as the days go by (hopefully without wasting time).
Stick to the positive

see you next update

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