Tuesday, March 30, 2010


For like the past two weeks my ''Chama'' members and I have been so excited about this upcoming Easter getaway. And so my email inbox has been flooded by instant messages with everyone trying to outdo the others excitement. And I must admit I can’t wait. I think I need the destruction....you know with chasing empty promises of employment all week (in fact week after week).

From the last time I was on holiday I kind of had psyche to do a lot. For example there were constant blog updates, I had energy enough for a whole football match, and then something somewhere just didn’t click.

although I still believe that just negative energy and probably with the sun, sand and a lil' RnR (of course together with the toppings of some bubbly, maybe a cocktail or two) I’ll be back and ready to continue spreading my fabulousness to you all(no am not vain)

So yes maybe am hoping for like some special awakening or inspiration or better still my big break.
And no am not lazy so note i did not use the word miracle.
Everybody has their day I want mine, am tired of waiting and am not sure if I shall still have the energy if it comes out of my planned time( and am not sure when time out is though)

Goto get to my scrable game.............maybe it might come from there and not the trip
I highly doubt though  :-)
see you next update (cross ye fingers)

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