Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Constitution, constitution, constitution

Have been holding it in too much, but we all know that I had to say something at some point.

Well let’s see the three biggest contentious issues are Abortion, khadhi courts and land ownership

Let’s just be real, do those even qualify as ‘’contentious issues’’?? Seeing how it’s just a bunch of disgruntled religious (church) leaders and an ex president and his dodgy cronies who are crying foul.

What is the meaning of democracy? there are two principles that any definition of democracy includes: equality and freedom. These principles are reflected in all citizens being equal before the law and having equal access to power.and the freedom of its citizens is secured by legitimized rights and liberties which are generally protected by a constitution.

Well the there we have it, if majority rules ………… get with the program

But really let’s look at these ‘’issues’’ for what they really are.

Abortions have, are and will always be performed. It’s a procedure as old as prostitution. Am I saying that all should adopt the ‘pro-choice’ school of thought? No. all am saying is that these church’ leaders’’ should stop manipulating that clause to influence the public.

‘’They’’ say it’s better to lose the water than the port’’ seeing as to how you could always go back to the river.

But I believe that this is not even an argument about abortion but about the fact that the woman is finally getting a voice. Let’s face it majority of this church leaders are male, and by the way as a fact majority of all religious leaders in the world are male. It all started with the insecurities of a few back in history and that sense of paranoia is still rife.

I say concentrate on your flock. You have pedophiles to rid the society off (but hey, a confession and 10 Hail Mary’s later fixes it and if that’s the case you shouldn’t worry ‘’they’’ won’t repeat it.

Plus if ‘’you’’ preach against contraception what do you expect is going to happen???

About those khadhi courts………………….. I have nothing to say apart from WTF (excuse my language)

Do you see any other religion up in arms about it? I’ll assume that they are well aware of the fact that it doesn’t really affect them. Plus one would assume that the main courts are Christian courts and just put a sock on it.

‘’You’’ all own half of this country and now ‘’you’’ all are scared that finally local mwananchi is going to get in on a piece of the action. In fact some had 24 years to do something about it and well….we all know how that ended.

Fact of the matter is that these ‘’contentious issues’’ are laced with testosterone. Yeah! I said it.

It all boils down to GREED, FEAR AND DESIRE FOR POWER.

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