Thursday, January 7, 2010

Common Mwananchi

I can start by the usual complains of the workings of our transport system but the that is already done and quite frankly thats old and boring.
Therefore i choose to look at the positive....yes there is a positive (belive it or not)
this update is on a constant interuption
ok now am back
It took me one and a half hours to get from the city centre to my home which on a normal day using public transport takes me half hour maybe twenty min, and if i drive ,.well thats ten. Despite the loss of time (which many may equate to loss of money) i actually enjoyed it. Observing the frustration on peoples faces, maybe from their work places, maybe from interactions with others or some are just grumpy( i have come to realise that that is a very common trend).
Many might complain about the unruliness of matatu drivers but as for the rest of us public transport users its godsend.
I tell you that those guys(mat drivers) are very innovative, i belive that they have discovered a mode of driving that is way supirior to the common mans driving and that this is what causes motorists frustration. Jelousy...there i said it......all you motorists outhere wish you could speed through traffic like that, but since you precious cars are more important than the eaxtra time that you would have however spent on important matters such as family or friends.lets not even start on the fuel consumption and all the other shenanigans that come along with that.(blog about it another day)
Can you immagine the horror that will be unleashed if they are forced to follow the rules....there shall be a total breakdown of the system...mark my words........
because anyway we have no roads....(lets just leave it at that)
Anyway lets get to the point....what have i learnt today from my seemingly endless jouney.....................................PATIENCE
A virtue that for so long has evaded me but I think that i had a little taste of it today. how does it taste like??? well i cant really like when you taste food and you cant really identify any of the spices( or something similar to that) or really what it is. So lets keep tasting it and i shall finally(one day) confidently tell you what it is( Patience that is and if it sits well with my stomach)
Oh well this positivity notion is not as hard as I thought it would be.
thats it for now....lets meet next update


M.M said...

how dare u support the lunacy of mat-drivers?! u hav gone and lost ur damn mind. half the traffic we suffer is caused by disorder! the disorder caused by matatus and citi hoppers is 9 out of a possible 10! michuki was born an administrator let him put the much needed order. unfortunately he does not put systems in place that survive him, very unfortunate! anyway i insist order-order-order! mat drivers can not, wil not and must not be allowed to hold the public at randsom!

Mr. sunflower said...

well oops!!!! guess its too late.
how so sad